Thursday, July 3, 2008

Graywolf Blog - Google’s Two Tiered Internet World Sinks to a New Low

Another debate on the Graywolf blog. This one centers on the new Google Trends for Websites tool showing your visitor trends compared to your competitors. This is a touchy subject for business owners and the fact that Google websites are not included in the information has made it even more controversial:
Google’s Two Tiered Internet World Sinks to a New Low

Search Engine Land - So, You Think You're A Search Engine Optimization Expert?

Well written article by Shari Thurow on what makes an advanced SEO. I like the comparisons between what the industry might view as the only way to be advanced (IT, programming background) vs the creative side (SEO copywriting, SEO skills) and the reality of multitasking that often means multiple people for multiple disciplines to get the job done:
So, You Think You're A Search Engine Optimization Expert?

Search Engine Land - Search Engine Land

In case you hadn't heard as of yet, Yahoo discontinued the Overture keyword tool. It appears they want you to use their Site Explorer tools instead:
Yahoo Officially Discontinued The Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool