Friday, September 19, 2008 - The Inner Secret To Social Media With Guru Brent Csutoras

Great interview with social media expert Brent Csutoras, some real gems available in this interview:
The Inner Secret To Social Media With Guru Brent Csutoras
I'm including a Search Engine Land article by Brent Csutoras with a list of tools for social media work as well:
Search Engine Land - Tools For Engaging In Social Media

Webmaster World - More Details on Google's Human Evaluators

Interesting Webmaster World thread on Google's human evaluators and how this affects the search engine results for SEOs:
More Details on Google's Human Evaluators
I'm also including a link to Google's blog with a post about Google's use of evaluators:
Search evaluation at Google

Dave Naylor Blog - Are Blogs a waste of time in Google now

Discussion about blogs and how they are faring from the link wars in Google search engine results:
Are Blogs a waste of time in Google now